The Abraham Accords at Year Two: A Work Plan for Strengthening and Expansion

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO / Latin America News Agency via Reuters Connect

Although it was not the Biden administration that fathered the Abraham Accords, it proved willing to adopt them—hoping, with this endorsement, to assuage the dismay felt by many in the region with other aspects of its policy. Still, the president has done little, so far, to promote the Accords and their expansion. Moreover, the weakening […]

Ukraine in the Trap of Ideological Fixations

Photo credit: Shutterstock

The tragedy now unfolding in Ukraine serves as a painful and powerful reminder of one of the foundational lessons of modern history. Ideological and faith-driven fixations, whether in foreign or domestic affairs, lead to bad policy. Evidence-based policies do not necessarily guarantee success, but their built-in pragmatism allows for adaptations that take into account changing […]

The Seismic Effects of the War in Ukraine

Shelling destruction in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo credit: Sadak Souici/Le Pictorium/Cover via Reuters Connect

A dangerous, uncertain transition to a different global system may lie ahead, due to structural and economic reasons, which bring the impact of the war to practically every doorstep worldwide.