How To Support the Latest Revolt in Syria

A protest against President Bashar al-Assad in Sweida, Syria, September 8, 2023. Photo credit: Suwayda 24/Handout via REUTERS

On August 20, a majority of the previously quiescent Druze minority in Syria moved to open revolt. Chanting slogans to topple the government, demolishing statues of Bashar al-Assad and tearing down his billboard portraits, thousands of protestors spread from the main square of the provincial capital of Sweida to most Druze townlets and villages. On […]

Did Israel Lose the Syrian War? Not Yet

Fighters of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Photo credit: REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed

Ehud Yaari’s “How Israel Lost the Syrian War” in The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune provides unequaled insight into Israel’s and other states’ actions during the  Syrian civil war. He describes Israel’s tactical successes, noting that IRGC Leader Suleimani’s “original plan [to set up a major new rocket and missile front aimed at Israel] for now is […]