How To Support the Latest Revolt in Syria

A protest against President Bashar al-Assad in Sweida, Syria, September 8, 2023. Photo credit: Suwayda 24/Handout via REUTERS

On August 20, a majority of the previously quiescent Druze minority in Syria moved to open revolt. Chanting slogans to topple the government, demolishing statues of Bashar al-Assad and tearing down his billboard portraits, thousands of protestors spread from the main square of the provincial capital of Sweida to most Druze townlets and villages. On […]

The Druze in Israel: A Silent Minority Begins to Speak Out

Druze in the Golan town of Majdal Shams look out at the demilitarized zone separating Israel and Syria. Photo credit: REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Protests in Israel are nothing new, but those on the Golan Heights this June were different.  The government, as part of its clean energy program, had designated the Golan Heights for wind turbine projects. When construction began in June, the Druze on the Golan erupted in mass protests, attracting support from their coreligionists in the […]