Russia’s Islamist Terror Threat Reemerges

A suspect in the shooting attack before a court hearing in Moscow, Russia, March 25, 2024. Photo credit: REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov.

On March 22, Islamic militants opened fire on a concert hall in the Russian capital of Moscow, killing scores of concertgoers before setting the venue ablaze. Less than 24 hours later, the Islamic State terrorist group publicly took responsibility for the assault. The death toll currently stands at 137. While some reports link the attack to […]

The Moscow Attack Should Alarm the Whole World

Fire fighters at the Moscow concert hall following the terrorist attack of March 22. Photo credit: Gripas Yuri/ABACA via Reuters Connect.

The March 22 terrorist attack in Moscow left 133 dead, more than 130 injured, and many urgent questions about the return of ISIS, a Syria-based terror group long thought to be vanquished.  Days before the bloodshed, the US secretly warned the Kremlin about a potential ISIS attack, giving actionable intelligence under its longstanding “duty to warn” […]