Reader’s Response: Russia is a Marginal Player in the Gaza War

Photos credit: Sputnik/Gavriil Grigorov/Pool via REUTERS, Mohammed Talatene/dpa via Reuters Connect.

The article by Stephen Blank of October 25, “Russia’s Role in the Gaza War,” provides much good evidence of Russia’s initial efforts to capitalize on the war for its own purposes. But that article may have overestimated the extent of Russian involvement in and influence over Hamas, Hizbullah and indeed over Iran. The Kremlin aspires […]

Russian Policy and Hamas’ Assault: Putin Benefits From Chaos

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo credit: Sputnik/Aleksey Nikolskyi/Kremlin via REUTERS

If there is a winner emerging from the October 7 terrorist attack and subsequent war in Gaza, it is Vladimir Putin. On October 8, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia is interested in starting a war in the Middle East to “undermine world unity.” Russia may not need to start a full-blown war, but Zelensky understands that the current escalation in […]

What’s Next for Russia?

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo credit: Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Kremlin via REUTERS

The war in Ukraine was supposed to be over in just a few days, according to US intelligence sources. One and a half years later, both sides are preparing to continue fighting in the months to come. The war is taking an incredible toll on Ukraine. Its men and women are fighting instead of working […]

Lessons of the Russo–Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo credit: via REUTERS

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has been underway for almost nine years and is closing on one year in its current, full-scale form. What we can learn from the war’s origins and initial stages may assist us in finding the right policies to help end it on the best possible terms for Ukraine and […]

Ukraine in the Trap of Ideological Fixations

Photo credit: Shutterstock

The tragedy now unfolding in Ukraine serves as a painful and powerful reminder of one of the foundational lessons of modern history. Ideological and faith-driven fixations, whether in foreign or domestic affairs, lead to bad policy. Evidence-based policies do not necessarily guarantee success, but their built-in pragmatism allows for adaptations that take into account changing […]

Putin’s Risky Gamble in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo credit: REUTERS.

The decision-making process and situation assessments by the Putin regime made the risky decision to invade Ukraine possible. But what exactly does Putin intend to achieve?