An ‘America First’ Democracy Support Agenda for the Next President

Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Freedom and democracy have declined globally over the last two decades. This is bad for US security and prosperity, because autocracies hostile to the United States find more willing supporters among other autocrats. Furthermore, American companies trying to access markets of less-democratic developing nations face opaque regulatory regimes subject to the whims of unaccountable predatory […]

What Might Deter Xi Jinping?

Photo credit: REUTERS/Tingshu Wang/File Photo.

The past two years have witnessed several failures of deterrence – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Hamas’ attack on Israel in October 2023. The invasion of Ukraine heightened global awareness that military force by a state actor is not a relic of the past and could occur in other flashpoints around the […]

Israel’s Agenda with China

China's President Xi Jinping and Israel's Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu in Beijing, China, May 2013. Photo credit: REUTERS / Kim Kyung-Hoon

On June 27, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told a visiting American congressional group that he plans to visit Beijing later this year, adding that the US administration had been informed of this intention. No date has been set nor has the Chinese government confirmed an invitation to Netanyahu.  >>  Insight from Israel: Read more from Eran […]