Video Interview with Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

JST columnist Ksenia Svetlova interviews Israel’s former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert about the war with Hamas during his time in office, about the current conflicts in Gaza and the northern border, and Israeli domestic politics. Read the full transcript below. Note: This transcript is lightly edited for accuracy. Ksenia Svetlova: Were you surprised when October 7 […]

‎Offensive Cyber Operations As a Tool of War

Photo credit: Jakub Porzycki via Reuters Connect.

Cyberspace has become a major domain for organized crime as well as for statecraft in the twenty-first century. Israel has become a top global cyber power. But cyber offense is no silver bullet.  What Is a Cyber-Attack?  A senior JPMorgan executive made headlines at the recent Davos gathering: “people are trying to hack into JPMorgan […]

Self-Deterrence Will Not Stop the Houthis or Their Iranian Suppliers

Houthis graduate new tribal recruits in the Bani Hushaish, Yemen, January 22, 2024. Photo credit: REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah.

Self-deterrence is a defense concept that a state may be restrained from using its military power not by the fear of a counter strike but rather owing to reputational concerns arising from moral, legal or other considerations. This concept may partly explain US reluctance to escalate the current level of military conflict with Iran, though […]

Comparing Gaza with Mosul

IDF troops in Gaza, November 2023. Photo credit: EYEPRESS via Reuters Connect.

When the war broke out in Gaza, observers made a number of comparisons to the challenges faced by the US-backed anti-ISIS coalition in the battle of Mosul. I was in northern Iraq when it began in October 2016, and I covered the battles leading up to the liberation of the old city of Mosul in March and April 2017. […]

The Ukraine War After Two Years: Initial Military Lessons

Ukrainian soldier defends Zaporizhzhia in south-eastern Ukraine. Photo credit: Dmytro Smolienko/Ukrinform/Sipa USA via Reuters Connect.

As the war approaches the end of its second year, unless some dramatic development occurs to shift current trends – for instance, a collapse of NATO support for Ukraine or the death of Putin – it seems that the war is a long way from being decided or brought to an end. Initial lessons on […]

The Record of Palestinian Unity Governments

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on left, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on right. Photo credits: West Asia News Agency via REUTERS; REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/Pool.

On December 28, five Palestinian factions announced an agreement to form a unity government. The five included two Islamist organizations (Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and three small Marxist pan-Arab member groups of the PLO (led by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). All five are committed to military resistance against Israel. This announcement, […]

Even Before the Guns Fall Silent: Israel’s Political Debates Reawaken

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant during a press conference in Tel Aviv, October 2023. Photo credit: ABIR SULTAN POOL/Pool via REUTERS.

As 2024 began, the Israeli war effort in the Gaza Strip changed in nature (see Israel Shifts Tactics in Gaza), with the focus shifting to the battles in the central and southern areas and to special forces operations against Hamas’ immense tunnel system. But the hostage situation remained unresolved, with 136 still held according to […]

Let Israel Finish the Job

Israeli soldiers in the Shajaiya district of Gaza, December 8, 2023. Photo credit: REUTERS/Yossi Zeliger.

Did you know that Saddam Hussein won the First Gulf War of 1991? That is the version I heard in Iraq in 2003, after noticing the same Arabic inscription decorating chandeliers in Saddam’s palaces all over the country. ‘How sweet is victory with God’s aid,’ the inscription proclaimed. “What victory was Saddam referring to?” I […]