How Would Republicans Conduct American Foreign Policy Today?

Governor Ron DeSantis gets ready to speak during a campaign rally former US President Donald Trump in Florida, October 2018. Photo credit: REUTERS

The global order is changing rapidly. China is brokering normalization between Iran and Saudi Arabia while the United States brokers normalization between Arab states and Israel. Turkey and Russia are both antagonists and collaborators in multiple hot spots. Ukraine’s military is proving stronger than Russia’s. Alliances and friendships in the Indo-Pacific are coalescing against Chinese […]

The Quad Is for Real, Thanks to Abe

Quad Ministers panel at the Taj Palace Hotel in New Delhi, India, March 3, 2023. Photo credit: via REUTERS

“Japan is not now and will never be a tier-two power,” declared Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in a speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington in February 2013. He was there to champion the idea of a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan, the United States, India, and Australia. He succeeded in […]

A Chinese View of US–China Relations

US President Joe Biden meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 leaders' summit in Bali, Indonesia, November 14, 2022. Photo credit: REUTERS

[Note from the Editors: We have added parenthetical comments to the article for context in several places.] The United States frames its relations with China as a great power competition, in terms of the Biden administration’s national security strategy, for example. China claims to have a different view, having just emerged from three years of […]