We publish the JST both online, with new essays and regular columns every week, and in print every two months. Our third print edition has just been issued and focuses on the roles played by various diaspora communities in the US, Europe, and Israel in shaping national policy and affecting the conduct of international relations. In addition, the third issue presents diverse – and to some extent, hopeful – viewpoints from the US, Israel, and elsewhere on the most pressing international issues in 2022. 

Click here to download your free copy.

Please feel free to send us responses at [email protected]. Select reader responses are published on the JST website.

Those who wish to receive a hard copy of the third print issue should send a “snail” mail address to [email protected] and we will be glad to oblige.

The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune is proud to offer, now and in the future, voices on some of the major debates of our time, concerning the future of conflict, the prospects for progress, and the role of the US–Israel relationship.

We invite you to be part of the discussion on shaping the strategic vision needed to address today’s regional and global challenges. Follow The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and LinkedIn, and subscribe to get the latest updates.

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