Mr. Netanyahu Goes to Washington

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Congress, July 24, 2024. Photo credit: REUTERS/Craig Hudson.

The practice of inviting foreign leaders to address Congress goes back to 1824 with Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de Lafayette. But the person most frequently honored with such an invitation, four times to date, is Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. On July 24, he spoke to a joint session of the House and Senate […]

Freedom is the Surest Path to Prosperity

Photo: Shutterstock.

The Global South has a choice between a freedom-based and an authoritarian development model. External powers led by China and Russia promote the latter in, for example, Sub-Saharan Africa, by far the least developed region of the world.  Russian disinformation campaigns have occurred in at least 15 Sub-Saharan African countries, according to the Africa Center […]

Lessons for Postwar Gaza from the American Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan

Khan Yunis, Gaza, July 2024. Photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/dpa via Reuters Connect.

“Don’t repeat our mistakes—we can do it ourselves.” This line occurred to me as I listened to discussions of “the day after” in Gaza. Plans and ideas need to address the detailed problems of implementation. I do not pose as an expert on Israel or Palestinian affairs. Rather I draw from the painful lived experiences […]

Ghosts at the Banquet: The Washington NATO Summit

Photo credit: Artem Priakhin / SOPA Images via Reuters Connect.

The Vilnius NATO summit of 2023 was stalked by a spectre. How would the allies deal with Ukraine’s NATO aspirations while its vaunted counter-offensive had gotten off to a sputtering start, amidst nuclear saber rattling by Vladimir Putin and his henchmen, eliciting in turn a focus on “escalation management” by Joe Biden’s national security team. […]

Helping Paraguay Become a Stronger US Ally

President of Paraguay Santiago Peña. Photo credit: Jesús Hellín / Europa Press via Reuters Connect.

Paraguay is at a hinge moment in its history, with the election last year of a new president. With small steps, the United States could make a significant difference. This collaboration would both enhance Paraguay’s development and its status as a US ally. The country’s biggest constraint, however, is corruption. and more engagement from the […]

An ‘America First’ Democracy Support Agenda for the Next President

Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Freedom and democracy have declined globally over the last two decades. This is bad for US security and prosperity, because autocracies hostile to the United States find more willing supporters among other autocrats. Furthermore, American companies trying to access markets of less-democratic developing nations face opaque regulatory regimes subject to the whims of unaccountable predatory […]

Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress Will Be About More Than Bashing Biden

Photo credit: Douliery Olivier/ABACA via Reuters Connect.

Benjamin Netanyahu was scheduled to address a joint session of the United States Congress on June 13. But that day, while an ordinary day in Israel, was the second day of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot in the United States and the rest of the Diaspora. Jews in the Diaspora traditionally celebrate the beginning and […]

A Freedom Strategy for the Global South

Photo credit: Shutterstock.

In the current cold war, the US and its allies in the Free World bloc are in a sharp contest with the authoritarian, revisionist, and expansionist bloc of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The stakes could not be higher. If the Free World loses this contest, the freedom, security, and prosperity of Americans and its […]

Protest, Colonization, and the Ukrainian Nation

A statue is of George Washington covered with a Palestinian flag and a keffiyeh by protestors at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., April 25, 2024. Photo credit: Bryan Olin Dozier via Reuters Connect.

Many observers of the pro-Gaza/Hamas demonstrations at college campuses throughout the U.S. have been taken aback by the rhetoric and behavior of the protestors and their advocates. Masked faces and widespread refusals to self-identify display the protestors’ reluctance to face real consequences for their actions. What is most troubling, however, is the contention that Israeli […]

How to Defeat the New Axis of Evil

Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Two blocs emerged after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Iran-backed terror in the Middle East: The Free World and the New Axis of Evil. By supporting each other, the countries of the New Axis of Evil are more dangerous together than they are separately. The Free World countries must design new policies to […]