Inside Intelligence July 2021

The Surfacing Submarine Submerging (Again)

Some phrases have a history behind them. In early June 1974, 52-year-old Yitzhak Rabin, who as chief of staff led the...
Israel July 2021

The IDF’s Concept of Information Campaigns

July 12 marked the 15th anniversary of the Second Lebanon War, which is also known as the first “media war” in Israel. The...
Essays July 2021

America and the Post-1945 World Order

The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune mourns the passing of Professor Aharon Klieman, one of our first contributors and a leading...
China July 2021

Israel’s Place in the New Order

The world Israel lives in is dramatically different from the one in which our elders grew up, amid Cold War tensions and...
Diplomatic Dispatches July 2021

With Twitter and Email, Do We Still Need Cables?

I remember when and where al-Qaida declared war on the United States. Sunday evening, February 22, 1998, was chilly and...
Grand Strategy and Identity Politics July 2021

Ideology, Asymmetric Warfare, and Deterrence

The recent round of fighting between Israel and Hamas (with Iran’s proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, added to the mix)...
Afghanistan July 2021

When America Creates a Vacuum, Others Fill It

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have little in common, with at least one major exception. Like his predecessor, the current...
Israel-US Relations July 2021

Editorial: Can Biden “Build Back Better”?

This is an exciting moment in which to publish a new contribution to the policy debates in both the United States of...
China July 2021

Biden’s Conundrum

President Joe Biden took office as arguably the most prepared foreign policy president since George H.W. Bush was elected...
Editorials July 2021

A Letter From the Publisher

Dear reader, As publisher of The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our first...
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